Penaklukan Panarukan -visualChapter 2 – Sabuk Inten 1 (heirlooms of the Majapahit kingdom) visualkibanjarasman06/01/2025 by kibanjarasman06/01/2025079 The transfer of power from Demak to Pajang was not a transition that just happened. Arya Penangsang already had an idea about the situation. But...
Ch 2 Sabuk IntenCh 2 Sabuk Inten – The Struggle : Raden Trenggana’s Dilemma in Demakkibanjarasman18/12/202406/01/2025 by kibanjarasman18/12/202406/01/20250125 In the center of Demak, the meeting held by Raden Trenggana has ended. At the beginning of that evening, Raden Trenggana sat in a room...
Ch 1 Conquest PlanConquest Plan 3 – The Battle of Wits and Strengthkibanjarasman07/12/2024 by kibanjarasman07/12/20240143 Gagak Panji twisted its horse and jumped high, somersaulting in the air, darting down like an arrow towards the man with the tiger’s fangs. The...
Chapter 1 - Towards The King's CityHeading to Kotaraja – 2 – The First Conflictkibanjarasman04/12/202407/12/2024 by kibanjarasman04/12/202407/12/20240153 Prana Sampar immediately darted quickly and swung a keris towards the savior of Wiratama’s body. Bondan did not feel any problem or interest in this...
Ch 1 Conquest PlanConquest Plan 2 – fight on the edge of the forestkibanjarasman03/12/202403/12/2024 by kibanjarasman03/12/202403/12/20240155 The next day, Gagak Panji elaborated the plan further. He rode side by side with Arya Dipa around the Demak troop barracks led by Arya...
Ch 1 Conquest PlanConquest Plan 1 – Raden Trengganakibanjarasman30/11/202403/12/2024 by kibanjarasman30/11/202403/12/20240356 Several dozen spears from the western border of Tuban city, several people were seen riding horses towards a medium-sized house in the middle of a...