Padepokan Witasem

Tag : online martial arts story

Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived 3 – in the Special Forces Barracks

Translated from Agung Sedayu Terperdaya 5, 6, 7, 8 “Would Ki Jayaraga be willing to spend the night without you, Brother Agung Sedayu?” Prastawa asked...
Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived 2 – Uninvited Guests

Diterjemahkan dari Agung Sedayu Terperdaya 2, 3 dan 4 Agung Sedayu stepped down from the pendapa and then asked again, “Then what is your relationship...
Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived – 1

Diterjemahkan dari Agung Sedayu Terperdaya -1 The chirping of wild birds was heard in the trees growing behind the yard of a house inhabited by...
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