Padepokan Witasem

Tag : online martial arts stories

Chapter 1 - Towards The King's City

Heading to Kotaraja – 2 – The First Conflict

Prana Sampar immediately darted quickly and swung a keris towards the savior of Wiratama’s body. Bondan did not feel any problem or interest in this...
Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived 3 – in the Special Forces Barracks

Translated from Agung Sedayu Terperdaya 5, 6, 7, 8 “Would Ki Jayaraga be willing to spend the night without you, Brother Agung Sedayu?” Prastawa asked...
Ch 1 Conquest Plan

Conquest Plan 2 – fight on the edge of the forest

The next day, Gagak Panji elaborated the plan further. He rode side by side with Arya Dipa around the Demak troop barracks led by Arya...
Ch 1 Conquest Plan

Conquest Plan 1 – Raden Trenggana

Several dozen spears from the western border of Tuban city, several people were seen riding horses towards a medium-sized house in the middle of a...
Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived 2 – Uninvited Guests

Diterjemahkan dari Agung Sedayu Terperdaya 2, 3 dan 4 Agung Sedayu stepped down from the pendapa and then asked again, “Then what is your relationship...
Ch 1 - Agung Sedayu is Deceived

Agung Sedayu was Deceived – 1

Diterjemahkan dari Agung Sedayu Terperdaya -1 The chirping of wild birds was heard in the trees growing behind the yard of a house inhabited by...
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